Our Story - Day 1

February 19, 2021 1 Comment

Our Story - Day 1
The next few days I will be sharing our #DandDstory and thought I would start with the Bossman. You hear me talk about him regularly and see glimpses of him working on our Instagram stories and the occasional photo, mostly just glimpses because the guy won't stop working.
Many don't know that my dad Dan was an Omaha Firemen for many years, and a damn good one at that. Dan balanced ranch life and firefighting, no idea when he slept but apparently he did. We used to live closer to Omaha when I was little and Dan had a shorter commute. With help from my amazing mom and Grandpa, who pitched in with chores, calving, etc. Dan worked 24 hours on, 24 hours off. He was Captain of his station and was routinely offered positions to continue his career and move up the ladder, pun intended.
I vividly remember a family meeting, Courtney and I were in elementary school, and had a vote to decide if we should move North to where our summer pastures were. Away from Omaha which was exploding with new growth and we could see that it would be close to us soon. My mom Marilee, Courtney, and I all voted yes to move. (I don't think Dan voted no or maybe didn't vote, have to ask him about that one later!) As a family, we chose to continue our ranch life. Dan remained a Captain and continued expanding our ranch operation.
The last 7 years of Dan's time on the firestation, he would commute an hour to Omaha to go to work. The commute wasn't bad but my mom, sister and I had to learn the ropes of calving on our own very quickly. The ladies of the house learned how to run ranch life without Dan around on a regular basis.
I am grateful for his career as a fireman and rancher. The work ethic and grit needed for both of his careers is admirable. I truly hope that through him, I have received a portion of his qualities.
If you have any questions for Dan about being a fireman, leave them below!

1 Response

Pamela Baumgarten
Pamela Baumgarten

March 04, 2021

Thank you for your dad’s service as well as to the women in the family that aren’t afraid to get a little dirty!
We love America’s farm families and their dedication and having you share a little of your family with us.

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