The Supper Struggle is Real!

February 11, 2021

The Supper Struggle is Real!

It's 5:30 pm, I realize I have nothing ready for supper and it's about that time. This happens more than I would like to admit! The day gets away from you, toddlers, chores, this list goes on of interruptions and soon are behind when supper rolls around. While I wish I was a weekly meal planner and had everything planned out, prepped, ready to go, I do not. With calving season in full swing and all the preparation for our annual bull sale beginning, it is time to get into the habit of prepping protein!

First, to be honest, I forget to thaw ground beef more often than not. I know I should but for some reason it always slips my mind. When I don't have it thawed, I cook it in a pan on low, rotating it regularly and breaking it apart as it cooks. When you get in a bind, it will work you just have to be patient!

Some of our go to ground beef recipes on a busy night are taco bowls, sloppy joes, adding ground beef to mac and cheese, ground beef stroganoff, meatballs, and enchiladas.


If you are looking for some cooking inspiration, a great time saver is to prepare a large roast. When I cook our roasts, I place them in the crock-pot/dutch oven with salt and pepper, maybe carrots and potatoes, and keep it simple. This way I can use the roast later however we would like to enjoy it. Sandwiches, soup, stew, stroganoff, the possibilities are endless. 

If you are looking to enhance the flavor of roast, I suggest adding some peppers and herbs. It is a great way to add some flavor without over powering the roast. Our meat is full of flavor and doesn't need sauces or marinades, the flavor is in the beef!



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