All Cuts

Coulotte Steak

$12.00 USD

A Coulotte steak is a Brazilian cut that is full of flavor and marbling. It is easy to prepare on the grill and has become one of our favorites. (We apologize for not having a picture yet but couldn't wait to share this new steak with you!)

(2 steaks per package)

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~Ships on dry ice every Monday~

  • Orders placed the Sunday before by 8:00 pm will be shipped the following Monday.

Born and Raised in One Location

100% D&D Beef - Registered Angus and Red Angus beef

Pasture Raised, Grain Finished

Dry Aged for 21 days

BQA Certified – Beef Quality Assurance – For more information about this certification, click here.

Our cattle are DNA Tested and Ultra-sounded for Carcass Quality

Federally Inspected and Labeled